The Unexplained Plot Holes of Stuart Little 2

Stuart Little 2 was one of my favourite movies as a child. I distinctly remember receiving it from my aunty for my 6th birthday present, and would watch it over and over again when I got home from school. The film picks up from the previous movie, which saw the Little Family adopt a charming young mouse named Stuart. This time, Stuart must journey through New York with the household cat Snowbell to recuse his new friend Margalo from a villainous falcon. I particularly loved the scene where Stuart fixes the plane.

15 years later, I came across the movie on a fateful Saturday night. As a 21 year old, I laughed uncontrollably as I realised the sheer lack of explanation for ANY of the film plots. Here are some thoughts I'd like to share with you about the film, watching it as "adult" ...

First of all, why would a family adopt a mouse? Why is this socially acceptable okay in this film universe? How can other families take the Little family seriously when they have adopted A MOUSE as their child? How is the brother George even okay with this? The writers also ignore the fact that humans are able to speak to and understand Stuart but are not able to speak to the family cat. Why is this? What makes him special? We also need to consider that Stuart Little is indeed, little - perhaps 5-10 cm tall. How can anyone even HEAR Stuart when he is this small? He would need a MEGA phone for humans to even comprehend any sentence. In the film, Stuart attends school along with George. Sure George goes to school because he's 10 years old, but what does Stuart learn? Why is he learning? Isn't he just a MOUSE? Stuart's clothes are also an immaculate fit, but it's never explained who makes Stuarts' clothes. Who are the suppliers? Are they a niche fashion company that also caters to other speaking animals, such as Margolo the bird? Stuart also has the ability to drive his own mechanical car, but as a mouse, it's likely he could probably outrun the car at its highest speed ...

I don't know how I didn't question any of this as a child. Perhaps I'm more realistic and less youthful than I was 15 years ago. As a 21 year old, I did thoroughly enjoy Michael J Fox voicing Stuart and Nathan Lane as Snowbell tho.

Here's to watching more childhood memories and feeling all happy and nice inside ... whilst also feeling like I'm turning into that old man shouting "get off my lawn!".


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